Onsite Call Request:
- Resident - $65 hourly (Level 1 Support Tech)
- Resident urgent support - $95 hourly (Level 3 Support Tech)
- Business - $95 hourly (Level 3 Support Tech)
- Business urgent support - $118.50 hourly (Level 3 Support Tech)
- Urgent support means 1 to 4 hour advance notice
- 50 cents per mile will be charged for all onsite call driven over 5 miles from Omaha or Council bluffs office
- We charge minimum 1 hrs for all onsite services
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Remote Support:
- Resident - $60 hourly
- Resident urgent support - $75 hourly
- Business - $95 hourly
- Business urgent support - $110 hourly
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One on One Class:
- One on One Class - $75 hourly
- One on One Class - FREE for Senior Citizen (Upto 1 hour)
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System pickup - FREE within 5 miles radius in Omaha & Council Bluffs area
System drop-off - FREE within 5 miles radius in Omaha & Council Bluffs area
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Consultation - FREE in office only.
By Submitting online booking request at https://www.heartlandcomputer.com/appointment, I have agreed and gave permission to Heartland Computer LLC to use my email and phone number to communicate with me.